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  Annual Awards Banquet

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At the end of each season the Gopher Blue Line Club sponsors an Awards Banquet for players, parents, staff and fans.  This is an opportunity for players to be honored in front of the friends and family for all of their hard work during the just completed season.

Most years the Awards Banquet were held at Jax Cafe in northeast Minneapolis.  Jax Cafe was the usual home of the Blue Line Club luncheons held during the season.

The awards listed below are the annual team awards presented at the banquet.  Past winners of these awards can be found here.

Donald M. Clark Leadership Tom Mohr Playoff MVP
Mike Crupi Most Determined Player Dr. V. George Nagobads Unsung Hero
John Mariucci Most Valuable Player (MVP) Frank Pond Rookie of the Year
John Mayasich Outstanding
Student Athlete
Elwin "Doc" Romnes Leadership & Sportsmanship

Other awards presented are for players First Collegiate Goal, Student and or Scholar athlete, any league and or All American honors.

First year players will usually receive their letter jackets for achieving their first varisty letter.  Seniors will receive an M Club pin for their final varsity letter.  The pins are usually put on by former Gopher letter winners.

For more information about the University of Minnesota M Club, please go here.

2012 Awards Banquet Photos
The Seniors
Award Winners
First Year Varsity Letters
  More Banquest Photos by Christine Wisch
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